If you have you been hunting deer more than a few weeks, you probably know that there are dozens of variables that affect how a deer moves and when. Because of the way the deer protects itself, it is critical that a deer is able to see and hear well for it to feel safe. Deer move primarily in the evening/night, especially the older it gets. With that said, finding the rights day time hunting …
5 Best Places To Hang A Tree Stand
There’s always a big debate around August or September about where to hang a tree stand. Every Hunter has their opinion and many of their opinions are correct. And this quick rundown I’m going to give you the top 5 best places to hang a tree stand. Whether you are hunting to fill the freezer or to put that next big rack on the wall, the location of your tree stand is one of the …
When do deer move most?
As seasons chance, deer change when and where they move. The question is, When Do Deer Move Most? We are going to cover when they move, why they move, and how you can position yourself to be in the right place at the right time when hunting season rolls around.
How does the moon affect deer movement?
Does deer hunting and moon phases have anything to do with each other? How does the moon affect deer movement at all!?! The short answer is 100%, absolutely NOT REALLY – the moon doesn’t affect deer movement in a huge way! To be honest, I had a hard time digesting this information, as I wrote this article. Many hunters and researchers have attempted to correlate deer movement in relation to moon phases. There has been …
What is a trail camera?
You might be new to hunting, or maybe you just haven’t taken the time to dig in on what is a trail camera. A trail camera is a small photo or video device used by hunters to monitor the behavior and movement of the animals within their hunting property. With the information being provided by these cameras, hunters can put together an effective strategy for hunting game. Why use a trail camera for hunting? Aside …
How far can a deer smell?
The sense of smell among members of the deer family is legendary. In fact, it’s hard for humans to grasp. But recent research into the sense of smell of elk and whitetails finally puts some numbers to it. How far can a deer smell? They Can Smell You from a Half-Mile away. Researchers at Mississippi State University found that a deer’s sense of smell, like a dog’s, can be anywhere from 500 to 1,000 times …
What colors can deer see?
Staying hidden is one of the biggest priorities of a hunter. Those who opt to hunt deer know that deer have a remarkable ability to accurately detect and identify even the most subtle smell and slightest sounds. Given the deer’s sense of smell and hearing, the next question a hunter has is how does a deers eyes work? So… what colors can deer see? More importantly, what colors can deer see? Deer perceive colors differently …
Do deer antlers get bigger each year?
Hunters are often looking for that next huge deer and the horns to go with it. A common question is do deer antlers get bigger each year of life. Under most circumstances, the answer is yes, BUT there are some factors to consider before you assume that big guy on the block will for sure be bigger next season.
Best time to hunt deer?
what is the best time to hunt deer?
Is it legal to hunt deer at night?
Hunting at night is exciting and challenging. Skilled hunters will tell you that if you want a fruitful and eventful hunting season, you’d be better off on your stand than on your bed in the wee hours of the night. After all, most game animals are more active sometime between dusk and dawn……but wait! Unfortunately, there are state rules and regulations that prohibit you from hunting at night. Is it legal to hunt deer at …